1. Roll onto your side

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2. Crawl or drag yourself to a chair

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3. Face the chair and get up onto your knees

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4. Bring one knee forward and put that foot on the floor, then use the chair to push up with your arms until you are upright enough to pivot around and sit

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5. Rest before standing up

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Key points to remember
  • It is important to have an emergency ‘fall’ plan
  • Know who to call for help – keep a list of important phone numbers near a phone within reach from the floor e.g. on a low table, in case it is hard to get up
  • Consider whether you need a device that raises an alarm in case of emergency
  • You should always tell someone about your fall e.g. GP or a family member
  • Consult a doctor after a fall if you take blood thinners, experience pain or are limited in previous activities or you bump your head (particularly if you feel drowsy, unwell or muddled and confused)


What can I do right now?
  • Visit your doctor for a medication review and advice on medical conditions
  • Identify and manage fall risk factors
  • Perform balance and strength exercises to feel more steady on your feet
  • If your walking is unsteady, consider the use of a walking aid and seek professional help for prescription and training e.g. from a physiotherapist
  • Remove environmental hazards
  • Have an emergency fall plan, including having a phone that you could reach from the floor

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